We talk a lot on here about the relationship between your back and your overall health and well-being. Your spine is the epicenter of your immune system and really, your entire body. It’s the medium through which every single communicative signal passes to and from your brain. It’s the way your brain talks to everything from your fingers and toes to your heart and lungs to your pituitary gland and hormone production. This means that when your spine is out of alignment it can create a whole host of health problems. A misaligned spine can be responsible for everything from chronic headaches to depression, to your risk of developing illnesses from the common cold to cancer. Your spine is also a long chain of bones in your back, with those in the neck often being the most commonly misaligned, and the most prone to cause problems. The first seven bones in your neck, the C1 through C7 vertebrae, each have a specific function, and can cause very specific problems when they’re out of ali...