Dizziness and vertigo can be confusing and scary. There are all kinds of potential causes for these symptoms, and it’s vital to understand the potential causes as well as what they entail for you. In some cases, they could present signs of something very serious. In others, they could be symptoms of a relatively minor issue that can be adjusted by your chiropractor. To start, it’s important to know the difference between lightheadedness and vertigo, as well as the potential causes of each. Learn about dizziness, lightheadedness and vertigo, and how your chiropractor may be able to help with neck pain treatment near Woodbridge, VA. Vertigo vs. Lightheadedness Many people use the terms “vertigo” and “lightheadedness” interchangeably. IN truth, there are difference between the two. While both can involve a feeling of dizziness, lightheadedness is the feeling that you’re going to pass out or faint. You lose your sense of balance, but the feeling is centered on you. With verti...