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Showing posts from May, 2018

Can Your Chiropractor Help with the Dizziness of Vertigo?

Dizziness and vertigo can be confusing and scary. There are all kinds of potential causes for these symptoms, and it’s vital to understand the potential causes as well as what they entail for you. In some cases, they could present signs of something very serious. In others, they could be symptoms of a relatively minor issue that can be adjusted by your chiropractor. To start, it’s important to know the difference between lightheadedness and vertigo, as well as the potential causes of each. Learn about dizziness, lightheadedness and vertigo, and how your chiropractor may be able to help with neck pain treatment near Woodbridge, VA. Vertigo vs. Lightheadedness Many people use the terms “vertigo” and “lightheadedness” interchangeably. IN truth, there are difference between the two. While both can involve a feeling of dizziness, lightheadedness is the feeling that you’re going to pass out or faint. You lose your sense of balance, but the feeling is centered on you. With verti...

Vertebrae of the Week: T9 Vertebra

Your T9 vertebra is the ninth thoracic vertebra, meaning that it’s part of the region of your spine that’s aligned with your chest and connect to your rib cage. These vertebrae, 12 in total, support your ribs and upper body, and protect some of the most important nerves in your body. The T9 is comprised of a solid bone mass which faces front and protects the discs which in turn protect the nerves inside. When your T9 is out of alignment it can cause all manner of health difficulties. T9 and Adrenal Gland Dysfunction The nerves that pass through your mid-back (T9 region) are directly associated with your adrenal function, and subluxations in this region can be associated with adrenal fatigue. This can cause symptoms like exhaustion, reduced enjoyment of life, decreased sex drive, increased stress, bronchial and other respiratory infections, and neck or back pain. Stomach Problems Your T9 can also be directly associated with your gut health. In fact, many people who suffer fro...

Chiropractic Care and Your Pregnancy

There are a lot of myths about chiropractic care and pregnancy going around. A lot of folks claim that it’s bad for the baby or somehow dangerous. In truth, chiropractic is a very safe and non-invasive way to control the back pain you suffer from pregnancy and it can actually ease your overall pregnancy and make the process much easier. It’s not a bad thing to be concerned, however. As a future mother, you certainly want to be sure that your baby arrives safe and healthy, and you want to mitigate dangers. You should always do your research when it comes to advocating for your own health and well-being. Learn the truth about chiropractic care and your pregnancy, whether chiropractic is safe for your baby, and where to get back pain relief in Woodbridge, VA. Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy Chiropractic care refers to the process of keeping your spine healthy. That means your vertebrae, spinal column, the discs between the bones, and even the nerve bundles that run through it. It’s a...