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Showing posts from November, 2017

Sleep, Insomnia and Chiropractic

Insomnia is a very common affliction that affects millions of Americans every day. About 30 to 35 percent of adults have brief insomnia symptoms, with 15 to 20 percent having bouts of insomnia which can last up to three months. A full 10 percent of adults across the nation have chronic insomnia which occurs at least three times every week and lasts for over three months. Insomnia can cause all manner of life and health problems, and can turn the lives of patients upside down. There is a potential treatment for insomnia that many people don’t think about, and that’s chiropractic care. If this sounds intriguing, read about the relationship between sleep, insomnia and chiropractic, and learn how a visit to the chiropractor may be able to help end your chronic insomnia. Effects of Chronic Insomnia At its most basic level, a lack of sleep can cause a lack of focus and concentration, fatigue, memory problems, drowsiness during the day and a lack of energy and motivation. This increase...